The animal model of spinal cord injury as an experimental pain model

Aya Nakae, Kunihiro Nakai, Kenji Yano, Ko Hosokawa, Masahiko Shibata and Takashi Mashimo

J Biomed Biotechnol  2011  939023, 2011

Narrow-band red LED light promotes mouse hair growth through paracrine growth factors from dermal papilla.

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Identification and characterization of cartilage oligometric matrix protein as a novel pathogenic factor in keloids

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Am J Pathol  179 (4) 1951, 2011

Improvement of pharmaceutical potential of all-trans retinoic acid with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin

Keiko Takahashi, Sayo Morimoto , Hiroto Nakamura,Toshiaki Narusawa ,Taizo Seki ,Masahiko Ooe , Keigo Aoi ,Akiyoshi Takada

Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry  70(3-4) 389-396, 2011

Recovery of sensation in immediate breast reconstruction with latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flaps after breast-conservative surgery and skin-sparing mastectomy

Koichi Tomita, Kenji Yano, Ko Hosokawa

Ann Plast Surg  66 (4) 334-8, 2011

Minimally invasive transplantation of Schwann cells into the peripheral nerve--preliminary results in rats

Koichi Tomita, Giorgio Terenghi, Tomas Madura

J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg.  64 (11) 1546-8, 2011

A case of giant squamous cell carcinoma of the buttock possibly arose from syringocystadenoma and invaded to the rectum

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J Skin Cancer   213406, 2011

Bilayer reconstruction for parry-romberg syndrome: using a free circumflex scapular artery-based adipofascial flap for both the buccal fat pad and subcutaneous fat.

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Ann Plast Surg  67 (4) 372-5, 2011

Stair-step flap for secondary lower lip revision after lip and cheek composite defects reconstruction.

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Interdigitation of the distal anastomosis between tubed fasciocutaneous flap and cervical esophagus for stricture prevention.

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Laryngoscope  121 (2) 289, 2011

Ibuprofen improves functional outcome after axotomy and immediate repair in the peripheral nervous system

Tomas Madura, Koichi Tomita, Giorgio Terenghi

J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg.  64 (12) 1641-6, 2011

Clinicopathological Assessment of Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer and Relation to Local Re-recurrence

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Ann Surg Oncol  18 (4) 1015-1022, 2011


中庄谷奈々穂, 日笠 壽

日形会誌  31 (11) 752-757, 2011


吉龍澄子, 金村米博

日形会誌  31 (7) 453-461, 2011


大山拓人, 高木誠司 自見至郎 大慈弥裕之

日形会誌  31 (8) 560-564, 2011

V.形成外科との連携 3.腹壁、会陰広範囲欠損に対する筋皮弁移植

大慈弥裕之, 高木誠司

外科  73 (13) 1478-1483, 2011


小野澤久輔, 牧野太郎 大山拓人 高木誠司 大慈弥裕之

日形会誌  31 (7) 487-492, 2011


山住賢司, 酒井邦夫 高木誠司 大慈弥裕之

日形会誌  31 (8) 544-549, 2011


峯岸芳樹, 細川 亙

日本マイクロ会誌  24 (1) 6-13, 2011


春山勝紀, 衛藤明子 高木誠司 大慈弥裕之

創傷  2 (2) 87-90, 2011

Lateral orbital periosteal flapを用いた麻痺性兎眼の治療

松田 健

Facial Nerve Research Japan  31  133-135, 2011


波多江顕子, 谷口靖 高木誠司 大慈弥裕之

日形会誌  31 (8) 555-559, 2011

最新 乳癌手術 内視鏡補助下乳腺手術

玉木康博, 矢野健二 野口眞三郎

手術  65 (5) 563-7, 2011


畠山真弓, 長野徹 船坂陽子 錦織千佳子 曽束洋平 藤川昌和

Skin Cancer  26 (2) 179, 2011

乳房再建術 私の方法 乳房再建の将来展望


PEPARS  52  74-78, 2011



医学のあゆみ  237 (8) 811-815, 2011


細川 亙

形成外科  54 (10) 1083, 2011


菊池 守, 矢野健二

PEPARS  52 (1-8) ,2011

乳房用シリコンインプラント摘出後の遊離TRAM flapによる乳房再建

衛藤明子, 大慈弥裕之 高木誠司 大山拓人 西平智和

日形会誌  31 (8) 521-529, 2011


鄭 聡柄, 大山知樹 小野田素大

日形会誌  31 (10) 712-715, 2011